However, neoliberalism does not oppose making states subservient to the aims of large corporations, in what is known as government-granted monopoly. the theory failed to explain the rise of neo-liberal ideology in the business class, which claims precisely that an important social goal should be a reduction of the state's influence in the economy.It postulated a monolithic structure of domination which in reality did not exist in that way. the theory lacked any sophisticated account of the class basis of the state, and the real linkages between governments and elites.the theory wrongly implied that the state could somehow overrule inter-capitalist competition, the laws of motion of capitalism and market forces generally, supposedly cancelling out the operation of the law of value.When Varga introduced the theory, orthodox Stalinist economists attacked it as incompatible with the doctrine that state planning was a feature only of socialism, and that "under capitalism anarchy of production reigns." Ĭritics of the theory (e.g., Ernest Mandel and Leo Kofler) claimed that: According to the neo-Trotskyists, the Communist Party could not play its leading role, because it did not represent the interests of the working class. Some Trotskyists believed the anti-bureaucratic revolution would happen spontaneously, inevitably and naturally, others believed it needed to be organised - the aim being to establish a society owned and operated by the working class. Consequently, some kind of anti-bureaucratic revolution was said to be required, but different Trotskyist groups quarreled about what form such a revolution would need to take, or could take. There was no difference, in their view, between the West and the East in this regard. The state in Soviet-type societies was redefined by the neo-Trotskyists as being also state-monopoly capitalist. Permanent revolution or with the principle of independent working class political action. In neo-Trotskyist theory, however, such an alliance was rejected as being based either on a false strategy of popular fronts, or on political opportunism, said to be incompatible either with a